Stop Telling Me I Won't Have PPD Again

Poppy is officially three months old! She’s more alert, sleeping in 3-5 hour shifts, and Sal and I are in competition to see who can make her laugh first.

While taking care of a newborn isn’t my favorite season of having a baby, I feel grateful that I’ve been able to surrender to this postpartum experience in a way I couldn’t the first time around. As a mom of two I’m now better able to see how truly temporary it all is. I’ve been more appreciative of those early morning snuggle sessions and less judgmental about my parenting when things feel out of my control, like a sleepless night of cluster feeding or those infuriating 20 minute naps.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean I’m out of the postpartum depression woods just yet. Did you know PMAD can actually occur at any time during the first two years of a baby’s life? So, I’m continuing to keep my mental health a priority. I’m seeing my PMAD therapist regularly, taking time away from the kids just for me, and being honest with Sal about asking for what I need when I need it.

It probably goes without saying that I have some big feelings when it comes to my postpartum journey. So to get some of those feelings out on the page I wrote this piece for Motherly about my experience of being a second-time mom, the judgment I feel about being a PPD survivor, and who inspired me to get pregnant again.

Click here to read “Stop Telling Me I Won’t Have PPD Again.”

Also, are you in the NYC area? Don’t forget to get tickets to the in-person premiere of Year One this Spring on May 3rd. I’ll be there to screen the film and do a Q&A afterward and can’t wait to connect with you in-person!

Click here to get your tickets now.

All my love,


Erin Bagwell